<OBJECTIVE>Learn new tools in Photoshop (Layers, Move, Marquee, Lasso, Magic Wand, Image
Adjustments — Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation, Scaling) through the creation of a digital collage, using found images from the internet (Unsplash, Google
images, or any other image bank).
<FORMAT>1080x1080 pixels, 300 pixels per inch (ppi) resolution
<PROCESS>Make a folder on your computer for Digital Collage
• Go to https://unsplash.com/ (or another image repository of your choice)
• Pick one of the interests you mentioned today during introductions and with a
few keywords. Search those keywords on Unsplash and download 3-5 relevant
images into the folder you just made.
• Open Photoshop. Create a New Document: 1080x1080 pixels, 300 pixels/inch
resolution. Go to File > Save As, and save your document as LastName_FirstName_DigitalCollage.psd. Check the boxes “Save: Layers” and “Embed Color
Profile” .
• When the art board opens, go to the upper right corner. Find the computer
screen/finder window-looking icon next to “Share” and the Magnifying glass.
Click the down arrow and select “Graphic & Web” or “Essentials”
Now there are two ways to work with images in Photoshop for your collage:
Method 1 - In the Collage Directly
Go to File > Place Embedded or File > Place Linked. Choose one of your images
saved in your folder. This image will appear as a new layer in your document, under
the Layers Panel. Modify the image in your 1080x1080 art board.
Method 2 - In a Separate Window, Then Place In Collage
Click File > Open. Choose one of your images saved in your folder. The image will
appear in a new tab. You can modify the image to your liking here and then Copy
(control C/command C) and paste (control V or command V) it into your 1080x1080
art board and work on your collage from there.
Modify your image in some way:
1. Cut part of it out using a selection tool — Move, Marquee, Lasso, Selection
Tool or Magic Wand.
Select the part of the image you would like to keep with any of the tools listed
above (there will be a dotted line around your selection that looks like ants), go to Select > Inverse, and then click the Delete button on your keyboard. The part
of the image you selected should stay, while the rest is deleted.
2. Adjust the color through Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast OR
If you want to repeat a piece of an image that you have cut out, make sure the
correct layer is highlighted in your Layers Panel, and Copy/Paste it. This will create
a new layer with the copy of your graphic.
Ensure you have your Move tool selected in your Toolbar (and that “Show Transform Controls” is checked, which we did earlier). You can now scale your image by
clicking on one of the small boxes (AKA Anchor Points) on the corner or side of the
Bounding Box that show up around the image. It will automatically re-size proportionally.
If you want to rotate the image hover just outside the corner of the image near the
square anchor point. When you see an arc with two arrows you can turn the image.
Continue embedding your other images and modifying them. Create a collage
composition from the pieces you have cut out or modified from the original images.
Once you are finished, select File > Save As, change the format to JPG or JPEG,
select Save, adjust Image Quality as needed (it is preferable to keep the Image
Quality at 12, but this can be lowered down to 8 to save room on your computer).
Upload your final composition JPG or JPEG to the assignment folder in the Drive Folder.
<SCHEDULE>11/22 Assignment Introduction
In-Class Work Period. 1/29
Final Composition Due - Upload to Basecamp before class.